About RussianDwarfHamster.Org

Hi, we are RussianDwarfHamster.Org and we are a helpful website that helps Russian Dwarf Hamster owners care, help & save money on their pets. We have been looking after Russian Dwarfs for roughly 15 years now. We love and care for our hamsters and provide a good home for them. We have a passion for helping other and supporting when people need us. If you have any problems, quires or questions leave a comment below or alternatively visit our contact us page. Thanks RussianDwarfHamster.Org

Winter White Hamster – 8 Interesting Facts

What Are Dwarf Winter White Hamsters? A winter white hamster is a Djungarian hamster, also known as a Russian dwarf hamster. Winter white hamsters are very similar to Campbell’s Russian dwarf hamsters with a handful of unique differences. A winter … Continue reading